DataCite Ontology (DataCite)

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The *DataCite Ontology* (or simply *DataCite*) is an ontology written in OWL 2 DL to enable the metadata properties of the [DataCite Metadata Schema version 3.1]( to be described in RDF. The main intent of the DataCite Ontology (shown in the following diagram) is to provide a flexible mechanism to define identifier for bibliographic resources (e.g., papers and datasets) and related entities (e.g., authors). To this end, we use the object property ``datacite:hasIdentifier`` that has as its object a member of the class ``datacite:Identifier`` or of one of its two sub-classes, ``datacite:ResourceIdentifier`` or ``datacite:AgentIdentifier``, while the latter one is sub-classed by three additional classes, i.e., ``datacite:PersonalIdentifier``, ``datacite:OrganizationIdentifier``, and ``datacite:FunderIdentifier``. <img class="img-responsive center-block" src="/static/img/spar/datacite-diagram.png" alt="A diagram of the main classes and properties of the DataCite Ontology." /> The exact nature of the identifier is then defined using the second DataCite object property ``datacite:usesIdentifierScheme`` that has as its object the class ``datacite:IdentifierScheme`` or one of its two sub-classes: ``datacite:ResourceIdentifierScheme`` and ``datacite:AgentIdentifierScheme``, while the latter one is sub-classed by three additional classes, i.e., ``datacite:PersonalIdentifierScheme``, ``datacite:OrganizationIdentifierScheme``, and , ``datacite:FunderIdentifierScheme``. This provides a robust method for defining identifiers, since each specific identifier is defined as an individual member of its appropriate identifier scheme class. Of course, existing identifier schemes have been already defined within the ontology. For instance: * ``datacite:doi`` is an individual member of the class ``datacite:ResourceIdentifierScheme`` specifying a DataCite Digital Object Identifier; * ``datacite:orcid`` is an individual member of the class ``datacite:PersonalIdentifierScheme`` specifying an Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier; * ``datacite:fundref`` is an individual member of the class ``datacite:FunderIdentifierScheme`` specifying a FundRef Funder Identifier. As need arises, new identifiers can be added later as new members of each class, without having to modify the structure of the DataCite Ontology. In addition, three members, i.e., ``datacite:local-resource-identifier-scheme``, ``datacite:local-personal-identifier-scheme``, ``datacite:local-organization-identifier-scheme`` and ``datacite:local-funder-identifier-scheme``, have been already added to permit the use of local identifiers. The class ``datacite:DescriptionType``, and the object properties ``datacite:hasDescription`` and ``datacite:hasDescriptionType`` have also been defined in order to link an entity to another item representing an entity description of a particular type. This is defined using the property ``datacite:hasDescriptionType``, which must have as its object one of the members of the class ``datacite:DescriptionType``, i.e., ``datacite:abstract``, ``datacite:methods``, ``datacite:other``, ``datacite:series-information`` and ``datacite:table-of-content``. In this way it is possible to associate written documents (e.g. journal articles or 'data articles') as descriptions of datasets. Finally, it is also possible to provide a link between a resource, such as a dataset, and the document describing its metadata by means of [CiTO](/ontologies/cito), using the property ``cito:citesAsMetadataDocument``, and [FaBiO](/ontologies/fabio), by means of the class ``fabio:MetadataDocument``. In addition to these entities, the DataCite Ontology provides appropriate classes (i.e., ``datacite:MetadataScheme``) and properties (i.e., ``datacite:hasMetadataScheme``) to specify the particular scheme followed for creating the resource metadata exemplified in the metadata document.

Examples of use of DataCite

  1. Datasets' DOIs and authors' ORCIDs
  2. Conversion of a DataCite XML document into RDF

Datasets' DOIs and authors' ORCIDs

[DataCite](/ontologies/datacite) allows one to associate identifiers to a bibliographic entity (e.g., a dataset, a person, an article) specifying their exact nature by means of the object property ``datacite:usesIdentifierScheme``. In addition, it is also possible, through the object property ``datacite:hasDescription``, to link an entity to another item representing an entity description of a particular type. This is defined using the property ``datacite:hasDescriptionType``, which must have as its object one of the members of the class datacite:DescriptionType, i.e., ``datacite:abstract``, ``datacite:other``, ``datacite:series-information``, ``datacite:methods``, and ``datacite:table-of-content``. In this way it is possible to associate written documents (e.g., journal articles) as descriptions of datasets.

@prefix : <> .
@prefix datacite: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix fabio: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix literal: <> .
@prefix orcid: <> .

<> a fabio:Dataset ;
    datacite:hasIdentifier :dataset-doi ;
        orcid:0000-0002-5159-9717 ,
        orcid:0000-0002-7811-3617 ;
        <> .

    a fabio:JournalArticle ;
    datacite:hasIdentifier :paper-doi ;
        orcid:0000-0002-5159-9717 ,
        orcid:0000-0002-7811-3617 ;
    datacite:hasDescriptionType datacite:other .

:paper-doi a datacite:PrimaryResourceIdentifier ;
    literal:hasLiteralValue "10.1098/rsbl.2015.0486" ;
    datacite:usesIdentifierScheme datacite:doi .

:dataset-doi a datacite:PrimaryResourceIdentifier ;
    literal:hasLiteralValue "10.5061/dryad.mq8r2" ;
    datacite:usesIdentifierScheme datacite:doi .

orcid:0000-0002-5159-9717 a foaf:Person ;
    foaf:name "Nidhi Seethapathi" ;
    datacite:hasIdentifier :seethapathi-orcid .

:seethapathi-orcid a datacite:PersonalIdentifier ;
    literal:hasLiteralValue "0000-0002-5159-9717" ;
    datacite:usesIdentifierScheme datacite:orcid .

orcid:0000-0002-7811-3617 a foaf:Person ;
    foaf:name "Manoj Srinivasan" ;
    datacite:hasIdentifier :srinivasan-orcid .

:srinivasan-orcid a datacite:PersonalIdentifier ;
    literal:hasLiteralValue "0000-0002-7811-3617" ;
    datacite:usesIdentifierScheme datacite:orcid .

Please cite the source above with the following reference:

Peroni, Silvio (2015): Example of use of DataCite #1. figshare.

Conversion of a DataCite XML document into RDF

This Turtle file is the RDF converted version of the exemplar DataCite XML document available at The conversion has been made by taking into account the guidelines available at the following document: <p class="cite bg-info">Peroni, S., Shotton, D., Ashton, J., Barton, A. J., Gramsbergen, E., Jacquemot, M.-C. (2016). DataCite2RDF: Mapping DataCite Metadata Schema 3.1 Terms to RDF. Version 3.2.</p>

@prefix : <> .
@prefix cito: <> .
@prefix datacite: <> .
@prefix dcmitype: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix fabio: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix frapo: <> .
@prefix geo: <> .
@prefix literal: <> .
@prefix prism: <> .
@prefix pro: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix scoro: <> .
@prefix sf: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

        :datacite-example-full-v3.1-primary-id ,
        :datacite-example-full-v3.1-alternate-id ;
    dcterms:creator :elisabeth-miller ;
    dcterms:title "Full DataCite XML Example"@en-us ;
    fabio:hasSubtitle "Demonstration of DataCite Properties."@en-us ;
    dcterms:publisher :datacite ;
    fabio:hasPublicationYear "2014"^^xsd:gYear ;
    dcterms:subject :computer-science ;
    dcterms:contributor :joan-starr ;
    dcterms:modified "2014-10-17"^^xsd:date ;
    dcterms:language :en-us ;
    a fabio:DataFile ;
    datacite:hasGeneralResourceType dcmitype:Software ;
    	:datacite-example-full-v3.1-metadata-document ;
    cito:isReviewedBy :reviewing-document ;
    dcterms:extent :datacite-example-full-v3.1-size ;
    dcterms:format <> ;
    prism:versionIdentifier "3.1" ;
    dcterms:rights :datacite-example-full-v3.1-rights ;
    datacite:hasDescription :datacite-example-full-v3.1-abstract ;
    dcterms:spatial :atlantic-ocean .
	a datacite:PrimaryResourceIdentifier ;
    datacite:usesIdentifierScheme datacite:doi ;
    literal:hasLiteralValue "10.5072/example-full" .

	a datacite:AlternateResourceIdentifier ;
    datacite:usesIdentifierScheme datacite:url ;
    	"" .
:elisabeth-miller a foaf:Person ;
    foaf:name "Miller, Elizabeth" ;
    datacite:hasIdentifier :elisabeth-miller-orcid ;
    pro:holdsRoleInTime :elisabeth-miller-affiliation .
:elisabeth-miller-orcid a datacite:PersonalIdentifier ;
    datacite:usesIdentifierScheme datacite:orcid ;
    literal:hasLiteralValue "0000-0001-5000-0007" .
:elisabeth-miller-affiliation a pro:RoleInTime ;
    pro:withRole scoro:affiliate ;
    pro:relatesToOrganization :datacite ;
    pro:relatesToEntity :datacite-example-full-v3.1 .

:datacite a foaf:Organization ;
    foaf:name "DataCite" .

:computer-science a skos:Concept ;
    skos:prefLabel "000 computer science"@en-us ;
    skos:inScheme <> .
 :joan-starr a foaf:Person ;
    foaf:name "Starr, Joan" ;
    datacite:hasIdentifier :joan-starr-orcid ;
        :joan-starr-project-leader ,
        :joan-starr-affiliation .
:joan-starr-orcid a datacite:PersonalIdentifier ;
    datacite:usesIdentifierScheme datacite:orcid ;
    literal:hasLiteralValue "0000-0001-5000-0007" .
 :joan-starr-project-leader a pro:RoleInTime ;
    pro:withRole scoro:project-leader ;
    pro:relatesToEntity :datacite-example-full-v3.1 .
:joan-starr-affiliation a pro:RoleInTime ;
    pro:withRole scoro:affiliate ;
    pro:relatesToOrganization :california-digital-library ;
    pro:relatesToEntity :datacite-example-full-v3.1 .

:california-digital-library a foaf:Organization ;
    foaf:name "California Digital Library" .

:en-us a dcterms:LinguisticSystem ;
    dcterms:description "en-us"^^dcterms:RFC5646 .

:datacite-example-full-v3.1-metadata-document a fabio:MetadataDocument ;
    datacite:hasIdentifier :datacite-example-full-v3.1-metadata-document-id ;
    datacite:usesMetadataScheme :citeproc-json .

:datacite-example-full-v3.1-metadata-document-id a datacite:ResourceIdentifier ;
    datacite:usesIdentifierScheme datacite:url ;
    literal:hasLiteralValue "" .

:citeproc-json a datacite:MetadataScheme ;
    	""^^xsd:anyURI .

    datacite:hasIdentifier :reviewing-document-id .

:reviewing-document-id a datacite:ResourceIdentifier ;
    datacite:usesIdentifierScheme datacite:arxiv ;
    literal:hasLiteralValue "arXiv:0706.0001" .

	a dcterms:SizeOrDuration ;
    rdf:value "3KB" .

	a dcterms:RightsStatement ;
    literal:hasLiteralValue "CC0 1.0 Universal" ;
    	""^^xsd:anyURI .

    datacite:hasDescriptionType datacite:abstract ;
    	"XML example of all DataCite Metadata Schema v3.1 properties." .

:atlantic-ocean a geo:Feature;
        :atlantic-ocean-lat-long ,
        :atlantic-ocean-box ;
    frapo:hasLocation "Atlantic Ocean" .

:atlantic-ocean-lat-long a sf:Point ;
    geo:asWKT "POINT(31.233 -67.302)"^^geo:wktLiteral .

:atlantic-ocean-box a sf:Polygon ;
    	"POLYGON(41.090 -71.032, 41.090 -68.211, 42.893 -68.211, 42.893 -71.032, 41.090 -71.032)"^^geo:wktLiteral .

Please cite the source above with the following reference:

Peroni, Silvio (2016): Example of use of DataCite #2. figshare.